
A heart-warming story of Great Grand-Master Fu Zhongwen

Every year I  attend the special class of Yang Style Taijiquan by Master Fu James
that is held once per year for more than last ten years in our town.
This class is very important for us, since we can get very special advice
to improve our ability of Taijiquan from James.
James made correction of our form.
After the Taijiquan practice, 
the participants of our class  were enjoying sea foods and rice wine with Master Fu James and were also enjoying chat with him  in a Japanese restaurant.

I talked  to him that I wanted to
know some interesting stories of his grand father, Great Grand-Master Fu Zhongwen,
when Fu James began his Taijiquan practice with him,
because I have been very strongly impressed  by  the last interview of  Fu Zhongwen.

James said that it was very natural for him to begin Taijiquan practice,
since many students visited the Fu Zhongwens house in Shanghai
to make practice Taijiquan very hard in every evening.  
It was very fun for him to see their practice, so
he was very glad to join Taijiquan practice.

I said to James "Can  I  have more story about your grand father ?".
Then, James told to me a heartwarming story of Fu Zhongwen.

Fu Zhongwen was a disciple of Yang Chengfu from nine years old, 
when Yang Chengfu  was about 30 years old. 
Fu Zhongwen kept  practicing   of Taijiquan under  Yang Chengfus advice  very hard.
He  joined Yang Chengfus  trip for his teaching of  Taijiquan in various places 
in China in Yang Chengfus later years life. 
When Yang Chengfu was serious ill in his old age, 
Fu Zhongwen invited Yang Chengfu to Fu Zhongwen house to take care of  
Yang Chengfu till the end of Yang Chengfus life.

After Yang Chengfu died, Fu Zhongwen kept visiting Yang Chengfus wife 
in every year. Fu Zhongwen did not tell anything about his visit to  his family.
When Fu Zhongwen attended some competition of Taijiquan in Beijing in a certain year,
Fu Zhongwen wanted to visit Yang Chengfus wife, 
but he could  not find any transportation  from Beijing to Yang Chengfus wife house.
 So he walked for more than 8 hours to visit her and Yang Chengfus family. 
 Yang Chengfus wife was very surprised with  unexpected Fu Zhongwens visit
and  was very glad  it.
This story was not known by  Fu James before  Yang Zhen Guo told it to him. 
Yang Zhen Guo is  Yang Chengfus forth son.
It was only few years ago  and that was the first time for Fu James to know that.  
Yang Zhen Guo said that Fu Zhongwen is only one disciple of Yang Chengfu to keep
visiting Yang Chengfus wife and family every year.

So I understand the reason why Fu Zhongwen is respected as the Great Master of Taijiquan by so many peoples in the world.


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